Science journal



The Editorial Board of Social Sciences

Chief Editor

Borovskaya Marina Aleksandrovna e-mail

Vladimir S. Zolotarev - Chair of the Editorial Board, Journal “Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Social Sciences”, Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Rostov State University of Economics (RINE), has over 300 publications, prepared 102 candidates and 21 doctors of economics. Research interests: problems of regional economy, organization and management of scientific and technical process, the problems of transition to the market economy, financial management, regional budget and fiscal policy. He formed a scientific school “Modern Concepts and Methods of Financial Management”.

Natalia V. Izotova - Deputy Chair of the Editorial Board, Journal “Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Social Sciences”, Doctor of Philology, Professor, has over 65 scientific and 25 educational publications, monographs, prepared 5 candidates of sciences, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.09. Research interests: Philology - dialogic speech in fiction. Department of Russian Language, Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication, Southern Federal University.

Igor M. Uznarodov - Deputy Chair of the Editorial Board, Journal “Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Social Sciences”, Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy, Politics and Globalization, Rostov State University of Economics (RINE), Chair of the Dissertation Council D 212.208.08, has over 126 scientific and methodical works, including 3 monographs, 7 textbooks and manuals (co-authored), prepared 12 candidates and 2 doctors of history. Research interests: history of the UK and Ireland 19-20 centuries; ethno-confessional problems in Europe today; history and politics of the European Union; contemporary international relations.

Vahit H. Akayev – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician, Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic (Grozny), Member, Dissertation Council D 212.053.04, Member of the Editorial Boards, “Islamovedenie”, “Pyatigorsk State University Bulletin”, “The Humanities and Social Sciences”, “Economical and Humanities Researches of the Regions”, has over 304 scientific publications, including 22 monographs, prepared 18 candidates and 5 doctors of sciences, Ibragimov Integrated Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. Research interests: North Caucasus Sufism.

Oleg A. Alimuradov - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.193.02, D 212.193.03, Department of Western European Languages and Cultures, Institute of Translation and Multilingualism, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Head of Research, PSLU, Head of the North Caucasian Branch, Russian Association of Linguists-Cognitologists, has 160 publications, prepared 15 candidates of sciences. Research interests: linguistic modeling of various formats of knowledge structures (ordinary and scientific picture of the world).

Adam U. Albekov - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of the Department of Commerce and Logistics, Rector of Rostov State University of Economics (RINE), was awarded the Order “For Services to the Motherland”, 2 degree, has over 100 scientific and educational publications, including 8 monographs, 9 textbooks. Research interests: economic sciences; marketing, commerce and logistics.

Victor Yu. Apryschenko - Doctor of History, Professor, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.08, Director of the Institute of History and International Relations, Southern Federal University, has over 100 publications. Research interests: the study of European national identities in the historical and contemporary context, including European regionalism, migration processes, as well as appearing at the same security challenges and the need for national processes of management.

Astapov Sergey Nikolaevich
Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)

Bakulov Victor Dmitrievich
Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)

Vitaly M. Belousov - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member, Dissertation Councils D 212.208.02, D 212.208.03, D 212.208.28, Department of Economic Sociology and Regional Government, Institute for Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, has about 100 publications, including 3 monographs, prepared 37 candidates and 5 doctors of economics. Research interests: current social and economic problems of the Eurasian region, Russian regional studies, geoeconomic security of the countries of the Eurasian region, macroeconomics (advanced level), economic theory, regional geoeconomics: methodology and research methods, the theory of public finance, and others.

Marina A. Borovskaya - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chair of the Dissertation Council D 212.208.28, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics, Faculty of Economics, Southern Federal University, Rector of the Southern Federal University, has over 100 scientific and methodical works, prepared 24 candidates and 4 doctors of sciences. Research interests: mathematical tools and methods of economic systems management, the higher school problems, economic governance institution.

Bashir B. Bulatov - Doctor of History, Professor, Member, Association of Historians and Teachers in Higher Education (Moscow), Vice-president of the Association of Historians of Dagestan, Member of the Presidium, Teaching Union of Universities of the Russian Federation on the specialty “History, Art History” (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Dean of the History Faculty, Dagestan State University, has over 60 scientific publications, including 12 monographs.

Yury G. Volkov - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Foreign Member, Serbian Academy of Education, Vice-president of the Russian Sociological Association, Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Chair of the Dissertation Council D 2012.208.01, Expert Council on Sociology and Regional Studies, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Head of the Department of Theoretical Sociology and Methodology of Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, founder and leader of the scientific school “Multistructural Identity and Ideology of Innovative Development of the Russian Society”, founder of creativity sociology and the creative class in the Russian social science, has over 243 scientific and 74 educational works, prepared 140 candidates and 78 doctors of sciences. Research interests: formation and development of the creative class, social imitation, humanistic ideology, identity formation.

Gennadiy V. Drach - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chair of the Dissertation Council D 212.208.13, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.13, Department of the Theory of Culture, Ethics and Aesthetics, Institute of Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences, Southern Federal University, has over 420 scientific publications, including 51 monographs, over 40 textbooks, prepared 37 candidates and 29 doctors of philosophy. Research interests: theory and history of world culture, the history of ancient philosophy, culture as a system of knowledge, study of antiquity and the history of European culture.

Natalya N. Evchenko - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Expert, Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.02, D 212.208.03, Department of World Economy and International Relations, Faculty of Economics, Southern Federal University, 135 scientific works, including 2 author’s and 7 collective monographs, prepared 3 candidates of sciences. Research interests: theoretical and methodological problems of the economy globalization, foreign trade in terms of Russia's membership in the WTO, international and foreign economic activity of Russia and its regions, national and regional support of exports, foreign investment and international capital in the regional economy, management of international investment projects and technical assistance projects, scientific and technical cooperation.

Ivanov Alexander Gavrilovich
Kuban State University (Krasnodar)

Galina F. Karpova - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education, Member, Dissertation Councils D 212.208.27, D 999.027.02, Department of the Foundations of Architecture and Artistic Design, Academy of Architecture and Art, Southern Federal University, has 230 publications, including 5 monographs, prepared 13 candidates of sciences. Research interests: problems of vocational training.

Yury S. Kolesnikov - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member, Academy of Humanities, Corresponding Member, International Academy of Higher Education, Chair of the Dissertation Council of Economics D 212.208.03, Department of Economic Theory, Faculty of Economics, Southern Federal University, has over 200 scientific works, including 12 monographs on the regional economy and regional economical and social policy, issues of education, economic sociology, the author (co-author) of 7 textbooks and manuals, prepared 6 doctors and over 40 candidates of sciences.

Lukyashko Sergey Ivanovich
Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Rostov-on-Don)

Ahurbek A. Magometov - Doctor of History, Professor, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Education, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, President of the North Ossetian State University, awarded the Order of Labor Red Banner, “For Services to the Motherland”, 3, 4 degrees, has over 300 scientific papers, including 12 monographs.

Makarenko Elena Nikolaevna
Rostov State Economic University (RINH) (Rostov-on-Don)

Matetskaya Anastasia Vitalievna
Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)

Nikolay A. Mininkov - Doctor of History, Professor, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.08, Head of the Department of Special Historical Disciplines and Documentation, Institute for History and International Relations, Southern Federal University, has over 200 publications, including monographs, articles, textbooks and manuals, prepared 5 candidates and 1 doctor of history. Research interests: history of the Don, philosophy and methodology of history, source studies and historiography of the Don history.

Eugene M. Nivorozhkin - Doctor of Economics, PhD London, London's Global University, has 25 scientific papers, prepared 2 candidates of sciences, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London University College.

Lyudmila I. Nivorozhkina - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chair of the Rostov Regional Branch, Russian Public Organization “Russian Association of Statisticians”, Chair of the Public Council on Statistics under Rostovstat, Member, Academy of Labor and Social Protection, Educational Methodological Association of the specialty “Statistics”, Member of Editorial Boards, “Vestnik of Rostov State University of Economics”, “Current statistics of Siberia”, “Vestnik of Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management ‘NINH’ ”, Accounting and Statistics”, awarded with the Badge of Rosstat “Excellence in Statistics”, certificate of honor of Ministry of Education, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, has 120 publications, including 9 monographs, prepared 24 candidates and 4 doctors of economics. Research interests: income, poverty and inequality; the labor market: unemployment, gender differentiation, social and economic aspects of employment in the retirement age; statistical methodology to assess the effectiveness of social programs; financial behavior of households.

Victor N. Ovchinnikov - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member, Dissertation Councils D 212.208.03, D 212.208.02, Deputy Chair, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Member, two international and three Russian Academies (industrial scientific and academic communities), Expert Council, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, has prepared over 100 candidates of sciences and 45 doctors of economics. Research interests: the dialectic relationship forms of production, management, ownership, reproductive processes in regional natural economic systems.

Palamarchuk Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
All-Russian State University of Justice (Moscow)

Polyakova Irina Abramovna
Rostov State Economic University (RINH) (Rostov-on-Don)

Vladimir I. Przhilensky - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.245.04, Department of Philosophy, Kutafin Moscow State Institute of Law, has 150 publications, including 7 monographs, prepared 7 candidates of sciences (philosophy and sociology). Research interests: philosophy of science, ontology, methodology of science, social philosophy, sociology of knowledge, the history of science, the theory of modernity.

Mihail D. Rozin - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.13, has over 70 publications, including 7 monographs, prepared 8 candidates of philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences, Southern Federal University.

Sen Dmitriy Vladimirovich
Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don)

Inna K. Shevchenko - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member, Dissertation Council D 212.208.08, Vice-Rector for the Organization of Scientific, Design and Innovation, Southern Federal University, has over 80 scientific and methodical works, including monographs, scientific publications in national and international journals, textbooks stamped TU.

Emilia A. Sheudzhen - Doctor of History, Professor, has over 40 articles, 7 monographs, courses of lectures, textbooks, Department of Russian History, Adyghe State University. Research interests: history of the peoples of Russia and the North Caucasus, historiography, theory and methodology of history.

Elena A. Shinkarenko – Assistant Editor, Journal “Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region. Social Sciences”.

Oleg M. Shtompel - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Deputy Chair, Dissertation Councils D 212.208.13, D 212.208.11, Department of the Theory of Culture, Ethics and Aesthetics, Institute of Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences, Southern Federal University, has about 200 publications, including 6 monographs, prepared 12 candidates and 1 doctor of philosophy. Research interests: substantiation of the concept, according to which “Culture” has become the dominant of global social development of the millennium, culture as a relatively new philosophical and humanities discipline, current global social and cultural crisis, modern theory of culture, “anomie”, “archaism”.

Rashid D. Hunagov - Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Rector of the Adyghe  State University, Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of Kuban, Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Abkhazian State University, Southern Federal University, Foreign Member, Serbian Academy of Education (Serbia, Belgrade), Chair, two dissertation councils for doctoral and master's theses on the sociological and economic sciences, has over 100 scientific and educational works, including 9 monographs, 12 textbooks, over 10 articles in scientific journals, prepared 3 doctors and 14 candidates of sociology. Research interests: sociology of education, sociology of management, political science, social philosophy, ethnology and anthropology, regional economy, geoinformation technologies.

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