Publishing a journal, the editors pursue several aims.
First, to give scientists the opportunity to publish their research results.
Second, to draw attention to the most relevant, interesting and promising areas of science and technology.
Third, to try to establish an exchange of views between researchers from different countries and regions of the Russian Federation.
"University News. North-Caucasian Region. Social Sciences" Journal – is a project that is open to all interested individuals and organizations. The Journal’s Editorial Board constantly attracts new authors with analytical papers and articles.
One of the highlights of the Journal’s policy – is a thorough review of the published materials. To optimize the selection process all articles first are tested through the «Antiplagiat» system and only then sent for the review. Reviewing and editing of every incoming manuscripts the Editorial Board provides in accordance with the requirements for publication of scientific literature, guided by the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). On the basis of the review, the Editorial board may decide to publish, to recommend the author to modify the article or to reject it.
Due to this Journal’s policy the scientists and professors of the University of the Russian Federation, CIS and far abroad countries, heads of ministries and departments, large and small businesses, post-graduate students are the authors of our Journal.
An author sending his\her article to the "University News. North-Caucasian Region. Social Sciences" Journal, thus expresses his\her consent to its publication in the journal, to its publication in the open access of the online journal, to transmit the text of the article (including references, bibliographic information, etc.) to people to whom providing this information is compulsory, or to other people, in order to allow quoting of the publication and to increase the author’s and journal’s citation index.
Authors are liable for the factual materials and data given in articles.
Placed in the journal materials reflect personal views of the authors and may differ from the point of view of the publisher.
The decision to publish or to reject the material is taken by the editorial board.
There are no royalties for the publication of articles.
The editors have the right to reject the materials that are improperly completed or not related to the topic of the journal.
The editors did not enter into a discussion with the authors of rejected materials.
The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes and reduction of the manuscript.
Manuscripts will not be returned.
Republication, publication or distribution of published and / or posted on the official website materials without the prior written consent of the journal’s Editor Office is not allowed. Violation of the exclusive Editorial Board’s rights to use the submitted for publication, edited and processed materials is prohibited by the law.
The procedure of registration and scientific approbation of the materials of the Journal "Izvestiya Vuzov. Severo-Kavkazskii Region"
- All materials, documents, serial numbers and stages of their passing are recorded in registers, data sheets in the general department of the editorial board, where their completeness and correctness (for 1-3 months), registration and preservation should be provided. The materials and documents are also recorded in the passports, accounting records and documents in other parts of the editorial office.
- All materials, documents of the edition come to the staff, departments, legal entities and individuals from the general department of the editorial board and are returned after appropriate work with them conducted by the deputy chief editor for further control. The terms of obtaining the conclusions of staff and non-staff experts as well as terms of performance of other work with the materials should be minimal, providing quarterly preparation and processing issues (of 18 editorial pages).
- The editorial board provides peer review of all incoming to the editors materials in order to give an expert estimation. The review is performed by the specialists in the certain field of science, having the publications on the similar topic of the article for the last 3 years. Reviews are stored in the publishing house and editorial office for 5 years.
- Issues of the reviewing advisability, ordering materials, determining (selecting) reviewers (specialists in this field of knowledge) are determined by the editorial staff, together with the chairman of the editorial office and the management of the editorial board. The names of the reviewers without their consent are not disclosed. The authors’ reasonable proposals for approbation the materials are taken into account. Editors send a review of received materials to the authors in electronic form.
At the request of the Ministry the review are presented to the Commission and / or the Ministry. In case of refusal to send the article for review, the editorial office directs reasoned response to the authors. - On the advice of the experts, full-time and part-time employees on behalf of the editorial board, the decision project, the answer is prepared: whether it is recommended or not to be published, and what kind of extra work with it is recommended, etc. Materials for publication in the sub editions (applications) are reviewed according to the fixed order. Special issues are formed by the organizations presenting them (departments, higher educational establishments) and carrying out scientific approbation of the articles. The content of the special issues and applications are approved routinely by the working groups of the editorial board formed according to the scientific field of the issue.
- The members of the editorial board must be previously acquainted with the materials, documents (reviews), planned for discussion at the editorial board and the working groups, decisions which are taken by majority vote.
If there are disagreements at the Editorial Board (working group), decision is taken by its chairman, reporting on this, if necessary, the chief editor of the journal, who takes the final decision. In the total volume of the approved issue 15% is reserved for the additional materials, about which a coordinated decision is taken by the chief editor, the editorial board chairman, deputy chief editor (full-time staff). - The editors prepare accepted materials for completion and publication. The preparation process of materials includes: editing manuscripts and illustrative materials, checking factual information, verification of compliance with original illustrations of the author, technical preparation of the manuscript for printing.
- When editing a manuscript the editor refines the given earlier assessment of the scientific, artistic and literary material level, verifies cited quotes, checks and eliminates incorrect facts, unsubstantiated conclusions, information which are not suitable for publication in the open press, corrects the text in order to achieve logical harmony of the work by improving the vocabulary and style of presentation ; when editing the illustrations accompanying the text establishes appropriateness of photographs, drawings, etc., selects only those that supplement the presentation, evaluates their quality and ability for printing.
- When making fundamental, significant changes the processed material must be previously agreed with the author. The edited manuscript is signed by appropriate editors, deputy chief editor and directed to the printing department.
- The proofreader and editor, processing the material convert the typed text into full compliance with the original text and the instructions on the artistic and technical design of the columns, required basic publishing standards. The working copy is the copy, read by the proofreader. The corrections made in the editorial copy are transferred in the working copy, including, if necessary, and the author's corrections. The executive secretary who gives technical guidance and recommendations on elimination of mistakes and shortcomings of originals is obliged also to check and process the proof-prints, blank sheets, advance copies.
- The chief of editorial department reads the proof-prints, advance copies, analyzes corrections made by the proofreader, editor and author, browses the location of illustrations and tables, and assesses the quality of reproduction of the original, introducing corrections if there are contradictions or inappropriate content, or other distortion errors.
- Prepared materials are signed by the department editor and the executive secretary, who check completeness of the issue and directs it to the deputy editor, who signs them and transmit to the printer. Copies of proof sheets, blank sheets of the signal issue must be signed by a proofreader, editor, deputy of editorial department. The approval of the issues is performed by the chief editor deputy, and public release - by the chief editor. In exceptional cases relating to the absence of the chief editor for valid reasons the right is given to the deputy chief editor.
- The originals of the published articles are kept in the archives of the edition.
- Delivery of the journal is performed according to the list of mandatory mailing.
The authors receive one printed copy and the electronic print if it is required. - In order to increase the responsibility for the quality of materials and keeping the terms of passing the journal, the analysis of the accumulated experience in production must be carried out and the professional training of the editorial staff should be arranged by the responsible secretary. The shelf life of the originals, galleys, all proofs and reference copies of the journal are set in accordance with current regulations.